Lens Radius Not Working After Upgrade

Hi. I just upgraded to 3.4.1 so I can contunue using AO on Sketchup 2024. (windows 11, Nvidia GTX 960 graphics card)

Now, with Lens Radius, when I apply any value other than zero, the model just disappears. Any background image remains the same and any model geometry just vanishes.

Please help as this is an important feature for me!

Did the feature work with the same model on SketchUp 2023?

Hi Nicola.

I have tested 3 models. Each work fine in 2023 and none work at all in 2024. I updated to the latest version of 2024 before testing.



What about the standard SketchUp new scene? Is that working?

As in View>Animation>Add Scene ?

yes that’s working fine

No, just the simple scene showing one guy that is created when you do File->New

Right I see. No I have the same problem. I tried File>New, then chose the simple scene, and when i do AO and then change lens radius the person just disappears with any value other than zero

We can’t reproduce the same problem on our machines. Can you please save the scene and send it to us?