Can't save file

hi everyone i am a new fluidray user.

I’m working with a quite heavy sketchup file (about 30mb) and once imported to fluidray I can’t save.
I get the following error message:
error:boost:filesystem::relative: Percorso specificato non valido: "C:\Users…\Desktop

(sorry for italian error message)

Other lighter files work fine.

Any ideas to solve?

Can you please copy here the full path of the file that you imported, as well as the full path of the location where you are trying to save the file?

Thanks for the reply.

The path of the imported file is:
\\Archivio\FRANCESCO M\ALTRO\m francesco\p garden\hotel c\modifica totale ottobre 2021\DEFINITIVO ALLEGGERITO primo ottobre.skp

and the path where I was trying to save the .frp file is:

Maybe is the imported file path too long?


There might be a bug that is triggered when files are over the network. Try keeping both the imported file and the .frp file on the local machine.

I did some testing and it fails to save files containing models imported from local network resources.

Mystery solved!

Thanks for your help