Buongiorno e complimenti per il programma che sto piacevolmente provando.
Vorrei chiedere se verranno fatte delle descrizioni, degli aiuti, per tutti i nodi non ancora spiegati…non è molto facile capire il funzionamento del grafico senza la conoscenza di molti pezzi del programma.
Hi all, i just want ask if will be made some hint and help for all not-well-known nodes in tree, I really dont understand some features of renderer without
Hi Gamera,
We are still in beta phase, so documentation is coming a little bit at the time. Anyway, pretty soon we are going to release another set of tutorials. Stay tuned!
We just added a bunch of new tutorials in the help page: http://www.fluidray.com/help/
Please let us know if there still some places that need clarification!
i will done some test soon, btw i still dont know how to rotate maps (hdr enviroment too) cause when i change value on float, nothing happens.
Thx for tutorials, dont stop making!