I am a happy SketchUp user (version 8.0.16846), mostly for hobby purposes. I used the FluidImporter (v 1.0.5 32 bit) to import OBJ files into SketchUp with no problems at all for more than one year. I am running Win XP pro SP3 32 bit. Last week I format my HD and start installing again all programs - no problem so far. After installing the SketchUp (version 8.0.16846) & FluidImporter (v 1.0.5 32 bit) which I used to work for long time without problems, I found that I cannot import OBJ files. Actually, under the “Import” table, the “OBJ files” options is now missing (screenshots follwoing). The FluidImporter seems to be installed normaly, the files “FluidImporter.dll” and “Uninstall.exe” seems to be OK under C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Importers folder (exactly as before HD format and Win XP new instalation)… but the OBJ importing option is missing!
As said before, I am running a SketchUp 8.0.16846 with FluidImporter 1.0.5 (Win XP 32 bit version downloaded from http://www.fluidray.com/downloads link) on a Win XP SP3. The most weird is that I installed the exact same setup files as before HD format and new Win XP, so it should work but unfortunatelly it does not!
I did as you adviced. Packages dowloaded & installed. Nothing changed! SketchUp v 8 STILL DOES NOT appear “OBJ” files importing option.
What bothers me and I find very weird is that (as said before) in two DIFFERENT machines (one PC & one laptop), which work under SAME Win XP SP3 operating system, and SAME SketchUp (version 8.0.16846) & FluidImporter (v 1.0.5 32 bit) instaled, everything followed by SAME installing procedures for BOTH machines… I face different reactions. “OBJ” files can be imported into one machine (laptop), but cannot to the other (PC). I would not bother if I could handle the job with the old laptop, but as said before, the laptop is old and very slow.
So, the point is that the previously adviced MSVC - MicroSoft Visual C++ 2010 runtime package x86 and the MSVC - MicroSoft Visual C++ 2010 runtime package SP1, did not change anything and SketchUp still denies to appear OBJ files option.
Now what? Any ideas, alternative options or advices?