Opened a xfrog tree in 3ds max, exported as .obj file.
IMported.obj model in to SU fine, but none of the materials are mapped. In material editor they are there. How do I apply them to the tree?
Opened a xfrog tree in 3ds max, exported as .obj file.
IMported.obj model in to SU fine, but none of the materials are mapped. In material editor they are there. How do I apply them to the tree?
I have the same problem. The folder for the obj file has mtl, png tif and xfr so why aren’t they being used to add materials to the imported model?
Why does this forum not have the capability to add imported files so I could show the folder contents and the resultant import.
I am using FluidImporter Pro dated 26 April 2016
Hey guys,
I’m a new user and had this same problem with opening OBJ files with no textures. Luckily I have some programming experience and started digging into the MTL file that is generated with the OBJ file. This is where my problem was at.
Basically, that MTL file links the model to it’s textures in the code. That said, if creator Joe Schmoe exported an OBJ, the corresponding MTL file is going to link the image files as listed on HIS PERSONAL COMPUTER wherever that file may be. If you open the MTL file in any text editor, you’ll find it’s easy to navigate. Obviously you’ll want to just change the file path that it points to. See below:
newmtl 01___Default
Ns 48.0000
Ni 1.5000
d 1.0000
Tr 0.0000
Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
illum 2
Ka 0.4471 0.4471 0.4471
Kd 0.4471 0.4471 0.4471
Ks 0.5580 0.5580 0.5580
Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
map_Ka C:\Users\Mihai\Desktop\Pepsi_Simple\Max_2011\Texture\pepsi_simple.jpg
map_Kd C:\Users\Mihai\Desktop\Pepsi_Simple\Max_2011\Texture\pepsi_simple.jpg
You simpy need to change this to your new file path, or just leave a space between code and image:
map_Ka pepsi_simple.jpg
map_Kd pepsi_simple.jpg
REFERENCE (educate yourself ):
Read this to get a deep understanding of how the MTL file works.
I’m still having trouble with 3DS and FBX files but don’t think it’s an error on Fluid Importer side. As told to me by TurboSquid directly, there are many variations and output methods to all 3D file formats. Will usually take some work to get it all working properly. The usual pain in the A$$ that we all go through with technical work like ours.
Hope this helps you and anyone else that comes along this post!
Maybe Fluid Interactive guys can add some info like this to the site
Thank you so much for this! I’ve be trying to get texture maps (from obj’s or .3ds file) into sketchup for a month now. So frustrating. This method of altering the code in the mtl file works great. you just opened up a world of models with full texture maps ready to be rendered to my sketchup workflow. Thanks!
Very glad that info was able to help!
I was surprised no one had made any notes like this before. Hopefully it will help others. Gotta love the forums lol.
Best regards.
I don t understand :((((, here is my mtl file:
# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - ©2007 guruware
# File Created: 18.11.2015 00:46:56
newmtl wire_177028149
Ns 32
d 1
Tr 0
Tf 1 1 1
illum 2
Ka 0.6941 0.1098 0.5843
Kd 0.6941 0.1098 0.5843
Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500
newmtl wire_086086086
Ns 32
d 1
Tr 0
Tf 1 1 1
illum 2
Ka 0.3373 0.3373 0.3373
Kd 0.3373 0.3373 0.3373
Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500
newmtl wire_184155229
Ns 32
d 1
Tr 0
Tf 1 1 1
illum 2
Ka 0.7216 0.6078 0.8980
Kd 0.7216 0.6078 0.8980
Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500
newmtl wire_225198087
Ns 32
d 1
Tr 0
Tf 1 1 1
illum 2
Ka 0.8824 0.7765 0.3412
Kd 0.8824 0.7765 0.3412
Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500
the materials and pictures are in this path:
C:\Users\zuzka\Desktop\fbx obj\kupelne\jacob delafon umyvadla
but there are about 10 textures…
What should I write and where???
Sorry I have not experiences with programming, just import a lot of models from 3dsky in obj and fbx and the material are not mapped in sketchup…Thanks a lot!!
The MTL file edit fix didn’t work for the model I was trying to import because the MTL file didn’t contain the necessary information.
Here’s what I did: 1) import file into Cinema 4D (your own programme of choice here); 2) model imports as default white material; 3) link the textures into the appropriate channels in the material; 4) for good measure, confirm that textures are showing as linked in Texture Manager; 5) export model from C4D as an OBJ file; 6) opens flawless in SketchUp (the newly generated MTL file now contains all the proper information)