Hi, in Sketchup, I use the Extension Solar North, for a better control over my scene.
The Occlusion Ex - Version can handle the extension and displays the shadows, as sketchup does.
But in the pro-Version, the Shadows are incorrect. It seems, as if the sun is rotated around the wrong axis.
Example: Sun ist turned 180° in Sketchup.
Occlusion Ex: Shadow is displayed correct
Occlusion Pro: Sun is coming from “down under”!
Did I miss something or is this a bug?
Can I go on and work with the Ex-Version (I have bought the pro Version)?
As a suggestion for an useful feature: Please make a simple user interface for positioning the sun directly insidne the AO. The original interface in Sketchup is really annoying. The light and shadows are in the main role in the AO anyway.