Why are my renderings a blank white screen? This happens for all my renderings unless there are only 1 or 2 objects

Why are my renderings a blank white screen? This happens for all my renderings unless there are only 1 or 2 objects

What version of AmbientOcclusion are you using? AmbientOcclusion Lite supports only black and white color (the classic ambient occlusion) while if you need color rendering you need to install either AmbientOcclusion Pro or AmbientOcclusion Ex: http://www.fluidinteractive.com/products/sketchup-extensions/ambientocclusion/

I also have this problem. Every time I click render, it processes for a bit and then gives me a white screen. I just downloaded it a week ago. I have Sketchup 2016, Windows 10.

I am using Pro ver. 1.9.3

Can you please send the model to our contact email for us to test? or you can upload here

This is happening to me as well, Windows 10 and Sketchup 2016.

We just released a new version of AmbientOcclusion that shoud fix the issue. You can get it here

Make sure [LAYER 0] is turned on. The nested geometry in groups and components might be in an invisible layer usually [LAYER 0] - this is regardless to which new layers you have created and placed objects in. Worked for me.

Hi. Solutions for this problem? There are?

Hi Nicola. I need some help. Only in one sketchup model i have a problem when make the render. It´s all white… But when I copy some parts to a new file, it´s all ok.
If I copy all the the elements to a new file, the problem it´s the same…

… and with that file, only render the top scenes, but without shadows… The shadows, and all the other parameters are equal to other files with normal renders and shadows…

Hi, I discovered it´s about untagedd (layer) 0. But I do not understand why. Because of the color white from the antagedd layer?

Hello brfaria,

What version of AmbientOcclusion you have installed?

Hi, version 3.1.0. I think it´s the last one…

I was having this problem with some views and not others then found one of the components downloaded from the 3D warehouse has a section plane which was turned off but being picked up by Ambient Occlusion. Maybe be worth checking your model!